ReMida - Carlotta Ferrozzi
The ReMida is a repository center where businesses and individual community members can donate materials and others can get materials to upcycle. The ReMida has 3 ateliers: light/shadow, construction, and creativity. For a small annual fee, local community members and schools can obtain a membership that allows them to visit anytime and take whatever materials they want for individual projects or for use by children in schools. Teachers in member schools can also bring children to the ReMida so they can use the ateliers for their learning through play and then help their teachers select materials to bring back to their classrooms.
After a presentation about the ReMida, our group was invited to explore the ateliers. Through their own experimentation, our students recognized how materials could be used, reused, and reconstructed yet again, with new discoveries made each time. We were then encouraged to use the creative expression atelier to make something to bring home. Wind chimes, jewelry, and dream catchers were popular choices.

The ReMida is a repository center where businesses and individual community members can donate materials and others can get materials to upcycle. The ReMida has 3 ateliers: light/shadow, construction, and creativity. For a small annual fee, local community members and schools can obtain a membership that allows them to visit anytime and take whatever materials they want for individual projects or for use by children in schools. Teachers in member schools can also bring children to the ReMida so they can use the ateliers for their learning through play and then help their teachers select materials to bring back to their classrooms.
Materials "upcycled" into totem sculptures at the entrance to the ReMida. |
A child's view of how to create something new from a common industrial material (translated from Italian). |
After a presentation about the ReMida, our group was invited to explore the ateliers. Through their own experimentation, our students recognized how materials could be used, reused, and reconstructed yet again, with new discoveries made each time. We were then encouraged to use the creative expression atelier to make something to bring home. Wind chimes, jewelry, and dream catchers were popular choices.

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